Friday 8 April 2011



ntah mcm ne ntah bru2 ni leh lak kne lg setelah lme xkne...

tp yg pelik nye ia jap ad jap xda..

pelik kn?...

urmm bile kne gegata je terigt kt roommate mse mtrik dlu...

mse tu bru lepas main paintball...

lepas turn ak men paintball tu terus berlari ke bilik meeting JPP...

sbb ad meeting ap ntah time tu..

tbe2 ase gatal2 satu bdn...

tgk2 nek daa gegata...

mule2 kt tgn...

pastu mkin merebak..

huaaaaa xthn nye..

ap lg ak trus chow r balik bilik..

smpai jek kt bilik dak2 blik trus mengerumun..
 (alyssa, saya (gemuk n gelap mse tu)..zue n mai)

menurut owg tua-tua kata..

klu kne gegata, kite kne gosok rmbut kt bahagian gegata tu...

mule2 kaedah tu daa wat gak tp xberkesan sbb byk sgt gegata nye...

then bertukar kepada petua kedua iaitu gune bawang putih..

so, salah sowg dr roommate ku g laaa lari jmpe mkcik cafe kt bwh mtk bwang sbb ak da menggelupor kegatalan yg sgt2..

lepas tu mcm2 cara r dyorg wat tok menolong ak ilangkn kegatalan tu..

antaranya: -gune iron bju tu panaskn kt kain, pastu tekap kt tempat2 yg gatal.. air panas cmpur detol.. pisau or gunting dan konon2 kelar2 kt bahagian gegata...

byk gler kaedah yg digunakan semata-mata nk ilangkn kegatalan tu...

daa laaaa kne ari sabtu..

xda sape laaa yg nk bwk ak g klinik...

nk g sndiri xlarat..

time tu parents pon x dtg melawat so menahan je laa derita tu smpai senin...

disbbkn xbek lg, so senin tu ak amik keputusan tok g klinik...

terpkse laaa ponteng kuliah pg tu..

mule2 berat gak ati konon nye nk tunjuk kuat..nk g gak kelas..

tp da xthn gak pg tu so bek g...

pg tu g klinik nek van mtrik..

upe2nye bukn ak sowg jek yg kne gegata tp rmi gak..

lepas blik klinik kesihatan tu, ak memg flat r sebb kne inject kn...

tido je laaa keje nye...

tp ubtnye brthn tok seminggu jek...

parents ku dtg pd sabtu yg seterusnye..

sbb tgk keadaan ak yg xbpe ok lg so dyorg pon bwk kt klinik swasta..

dpt laaa vitamin c n mcm2 ubt lg...

pastu bru laaa ok speenuhnye...

haaaa lme kn nk sembuh gegata ni...

upe2nye ia akibat terkne ulat bulu semasa men paintball,kt padang tu memg byk ulat bulu...

moral of the story, jgn men di tmpt yg byk ulat bulu..sekian

Sunday 3 April 2011


mlm ni ase nk tido puas2 ase nye setelah seharian non stop tgk korea hahaa..

ni laaaa jd bile xda kelas..

asyik tido n korea...

abes semua tertunda agenda2 yg dirancang selama ni..

konon nk jogging, nk kerje sepanjang cuti ni..

segala nye hampeh..
(boringkn saye ni)

Saturday 2 April 2011


when ever i feel so down....
when i feel like a loser..
i love to hear this song...
the lyrics like a motivation to me..
however i keep wondering what is the meaning of the phrase "4th of july" in the songs..

what should i do??

boring gle arini.....
xtau nk wat pe..
nk keje tp mls..
nk shopping tp duit xmencukupi...
nk tgk korean drama....
tnet lembab lak... 
nk menulis kt blog pon xda mood jek ase...
nk tido tp ase da terlebey tido da...
nk mkn...
da kenyang..

wat should i do today????

Saturday 19 March 2011

BeCauSe I'm sTupiD..

i'm really very foolish..

i know no others than you..

you're looking at someone else..

yet you have know idea of my feelings like this..

i won't be in your days..

i won't be in the memories either, however..

only you i looked, only at you..

and the tears keep coming..

as i watch you walking past..

I'm still happy..

even yet i still don't know my heart..

i should stop this and go..

i really want to see the day..

I'm withstanding the pain each day..

'i love you' is playing on my lips..

alone once again, i crying for you..

alone once again, i missing for you..

baby i love you, i waiting for you..

I won't be in your days..

I won't be remembered either, however..

only you, i looked only at you..

I'm making memories alone..

loving you is like having a beautiful wound..

i look at your pretty smile also..

but i cannot laugh with you..

I'm thinking about you so much everyday..

my heart is hurting in all these sad days..

i want to see you is playing on my lips..

alone once again i crying for you..

alone once again i missing for you..

baby i love you, i waiting for you..

bye bye never say goodbye..

even though i cannot hold you like this..

i need you, i cannot say anything more, i want you..

i keep on hoping too, I'll keep hoping..

i really want to see the day..

I'm withstanding the pain each day..

'i love you' is playing on my lips..

alone once again i missing for you..

baby i love you, i waiting for you..

this song translate from ost boys over flowers..

melayan perasaan

di waktu owg len sedang sibuk membace buku..

ak lak melayan perasaan..

ntah pape jek..

mula la lagu2 jiwang kedengaran..

antara nye lagu2 korea esp dr SNSD..

ishh jiwang gak ak ni ek...kui3 =p 

Friday 18 March 2011


tiap manusia mempunyai perangai mereka tersendiri..

jap mcm ni jap mcm tu...

tiap ap yg ak wat semua nye salah...

ad je salahnye..

xnh btol laaa ap yg ak wat di mate mereka..

bese laaa bak owg2 ckp, bile owg ad depan mate kita xhargai..

bile owg tu da xda bru nk cri...

bile owg tu ckp xnk dgr...

ckp jeles laa..xpuas ati laaa mcm2..

bile da terkena, bru sedar btol ap yg kite ckp tu..

selama ni yg ak dok bebel2 tu btol, tp bese laaa manusia...


mane nk ngaku yg kite ckp tu btol...

ak pon xtau nk wat mcm ne lg..

da xtau da mcm ne lg tok ak jge perasaan mereka..

ramai nye ati kne jge upe2nye...

xsngke da besar mcm ni pon ad lg yg berperangai mcm budak2..

sikit2 nk terase nk majuk..

kate da mature..huhuu...

ermmm penatnye...

mcm2 pk nk bek kn keadaan..

life is so tough...

kadang ase xkuat nk lalui semua ni...

tp klu pk2 blik, ni ujian dr ALLAH..

setakat ujian mcm ni pon ak xleh lalui..

klu dpt lg berat mcm ne laaa agk nye..huhuu...

first time....

hahaaa secare xsengaja aku telah meng 'create' blog yg selama ni aku benci utk melakukn nye...

ketidak sengajaan ni berlaku apabila ke 'stress' an yg amat sgt melanda..

disebbkn first time, so lihat laaa betapa hodoh nye blog ku ini...

owg len wat blog, ak pon sibuk nk wat...

(haaaa hope xjd hangat2 taik ayam laaa blog ni...)

dlu ad gak wat blog...

tp bru sign up blog tu...dan ak trus close akaun nye...


haahaha sebb ak ni xgeti mengarang...

so setiap ap yg ak tulis tu ase mcm kelaka jek tok di bace..

tp xpe laaa...wat blog ni pon sekadar sje2...

xda tmpt tok meluahkn geram2 yg tersimpn laaa klatekn...